Book talk: Have you ever wished that you had wings? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be able to fly away any time that you wanted, and go anywhere you wished? Frenenqer has been many places and lived in many countries, but she has never felt free. Even when her father's not there Frenenqer can feel the pressure of his expectations like a tug on her spine leading her wherever he wants her to go. So she contents herself with small rebellions like reading books and dreaming of wings while she's trapped in her bedroom in the middle of the desert. She never thought that she could escape her father until she met a Free person. Regular laws of the universe do not apply to Free people. They can shape shift into anything they want and fly all over this world and others. The moment Frenenqer meets Sangris, she knows that he will only lead to trouble and that her father would want her to turn him away. But she can't resist the temptation of his wings. For once she ignores the tug on her spine and doesn't do what her father would want, whatever the consequences may be.
Rocks my socks: This book has everything that I love in a novel: foreign countries, bookish protagonists, themes of independence and individualism, an "interestingly wicked" love interest, talking cats, and heaping helpings of sass! I don't think I could have crafted a book that was better suited to my tastes. I enjoyed hearing about all the countries Frenenqer had lived in, her best friend was charmingly quirky and supportive, and I love the way she grew over the course of the novel so that she could embrace who she is and stand up for herself. Her father was the most disturbing antagonist I've seen in a long time as he controlled his household and psychologically abused his wife and daughter. The man/cat on the other hand was absolutely delightful as he wooed Frenenqer and waited for her to be able to return his affections while patiently enduring her sarcastic barbs. He reminds me a bit of Spike in the later seasons of Buffy. I absolutely devoured this book and enjoyed myself immensely while doing so.
Rocks in my socks: zip
Every book its reader: I'd give this to urban fantasy fans and those who enjoy books about other cultures. Fans of literary bad boys will particularly enjoy Sangris. The romance is pretty conservative and there's little violence although the scenes that describe the emotional abuse Frenenqer receives can be disturbing. I'd say it's fine for 6th grade and up.
Rinsai Rossetti has a website
Source: school library
The Girl With Borrowed Wings by Rinsai Rossetti: buy it or check it out today!
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