Book talk: Wars, riots, revolutions--they can all be explained by economics. In this entertaining comic Michael Goodwin will take you on a tour of history from the beginnings of capitalism to the modern day and explain the economic causes of every major event from the American Revolution to the Great Depression. Along the way he pulls out the wittiest lines, goriest details, and most amusing anecdotes.
Rocks my socks: Economics was never my favorite subject but I absolutely loved this graphic novel! By describing various economic theories chronologically and placing them in historical context the importance of the topics is clear and the information much easier to remember. Michael Goodwin also has an excellent sense of humor. Some of the details seemed too insane to be true (like the part about the Dutch Prime Minister being eaten--but I doubled checked and found that not only is it true but there's a famous painting of it that I immediately regretted finding.) It seems that economics is stranger than fiction.
Rocks in my socks: nothing
Every book its reader: I'd give this to anyone looking for an entertaining nonfiction comic or anyone seeking to understand the economy better. I'd say it's fine for 7th grade and up.
There's a whole website for the book at http://economixcomix.com/
Source: school library
Economix: How Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work) in Words and Pictures by Michael Goodwin and Dan E. Burr: buy it or check it out today!
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