Book talk: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be one of King Arthur's knights? Have you imagined dressing up in a suit of armor, slaying dragons, and battling giants? If so, you'll love this story about Sir Gawain. The Green Knight shows up at the round table one night and offers anyone the chance to hit him with an axe if he will allow the Green Knight to do the same in one year and one day. Sir Gawain volunteers and beheads the Green Knight, but the Green Knight just picks his own head up and reminds Gawain to meet him again in a year. Should Sir Gawain keep his promise and let himself be killed by the Green Knight, or should he use the year to run as far away as he can? What would you do?
Rocks my socks: This book had me laughing along to a skilled retelling of a familiar tale. Fans of knight tales in general and King Arthur specifically will enjoy this fresh new version of the story. In addition to all of the humor and action this story contains a lot of wonderful lessons about why vows were so important in Sir Gawain's time and why Arthur valued manners in knights as much as their fighting skills. The ample pictures portray the action and provide additional humorous touches.
Rocks in my socks: nada
Every book its reader: This is a wonderful early chapter book and would also make a great read-aloud. I'd give it to fans of humor and adventure and particularly fans of knights. 2nd grade and up.
Source: school library
The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True by Gerald Morris illus. by Aaron Renier: buy it or check it out today!
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