****Disclaimer: I am writing this review based on an uncorrected proof****
Book talk: Have you ever wondered what goes on back stage at a show? Or can you remember the panic when a prop malfunctions or an actor misses a cue for yourself? Callie can--and she can't wait for this year's musical: Moon over Mississippi. She's in charge of set design and she already has a lot of great ideas--like having a canon that goes off during the play. But just as she's dreaming up an excellent set, reality comes crashing down--they can only afford two set pieces this year and the school board isn't thrilled at the idea of pyrotechnics onstage. Off stage Callie makes new friends as old ones stop talking to her. Everyone is scrambling to decide who will go with who to formal and the drama of the real-life relationship of the romantic leads threatens to derail the drama onstage. This year's production will certainly be one to remember--either as a great success or an epic failure.
Rocks my socks: I wish I could say that this reminded me of my jr high theatre days but my school only had an acting class, not full productions. Even my high school productions weren't on a stage anywhere near as nice as this one. I wish I went to Callie's school! Still, certain theatre experiences are universal and I enjoyed the trip down memory lane that this comic provoked. You don't have to be a theatre geek to relate to Callie's story though. A lot of it focuses on the kind of relationship drama that anyone who has survived middle school can understand. I loved the details of the characters' expressions as they faced these dramas and the way their passion for theatre brings them together even as things fall apart.
Rocks in my socks: none
Every book its reader: I'd give this to theatre fans or anyone looking for a good comic that takes place in a middle school. I'd say it's fine for 5th grade and up.
Raina has her own website with some illustrations, free webcomics, and more
Scholastic has a trailer for the book over on YouTube
Source: Free uncorrected proof at #ALA12
Drama by Raina Telgemeier: Buy it or check it out today!
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